Join us in having a look at some of the animals that start with N! From our backyards to the other side of the globe, these animals are a fascinating mix. So sit back, relax, and learn more about animals that start with N.
List of Animals That Start With N
- Nutria
- Nilgai
- Napu
- Nautilus
- Nudibranch
- Nunbird
- Noctule
- Noodlefish
- Neddicky
- Nandu
- Nene
- Nalolo
- Natterjack Toad
- North American Beaver
- Newfoundland Dog
- Northern Cardinal
- Noddy
- Nurseryfish
- Norfolk Terrier
- Nicator
- Nënë
- Nightfish
- Ningaui
- Numbray
- Nkupe
- Nunlet
- Nase
- Nutcracker
- Nabarlek
- Nicobar Pigeon
- Nyala
- Natal Ghost Frog
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Northern Night Monkey
- Nigerian Goat
- North American Black Bear
- Norwegian Elkhound
- New Guinea Singing Dog
- Needlefish
- Nile Crocodile
- Narwhal
- Newt
- Nightcrawlers
- Northern Inuit Dog
- Numbat
- North American bullfrog
- Nurse Shark
- Nectar Bat
- Nematode
- Northern Pike
- Nightingale
- Naked Mole Rat
- Nutcracker
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List of Common Animals Starting with N
- Nabarlek
- Nalolo
- Nandu
- Napu
- Narwhal
- Nase
- Natterjack
- Nautilus
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Neddicky
- Needlefish
- Nematode
- Nënë
- Newfoundland
- Newt
- Nicator
- Nightcrawler
- Nightfish
- Nightingale
- Nighthawk
- Nightjar
- Nile Crocodile
- Nilgai
- Ningaui
- Nkupe
- Noctule
- Noddy
- Noodlefish
- Norfolk Terrier
- North American Black Bear
- Northern Inuit Dog
- Norwegian Forest
- Nudibranch
- Numbat
- Numbray
- Nunbird
- Nunlet
- Nurseryfish
- Nurse Shark
- Nutria
- Nyala
Common Animals that Start with N
This tiny wallaby spends most of its life hiding in rugged rocky landscapes.
A tiny fish found in coral reefs of the western Indian ocean.
People in the United States refer to this bird as a Rhea, while South Americans call it Nandu.
Also known as the Greater Mousedeer, even though it isn’t a mouse or a deer.
A medium-sized whale that lives only in the cold waters of the high arctic.
Found in European rivers around the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the North Sea.
Its name refers to the loud call that the toad makes during mating season.
These creatures have lived on the planet for more than 500 million years.
Neapolitan Mastiff
Weighs between 110-150 pounds.
A songbird found only in Central and South America.
These fish have extremely sharp teeth.
Also known as roundworms, they’re the most numerous multicellular animal on the planet. (in terms of biomass and number of species)
They have a life expectancy of 8-10 years.
A family of songbirds that live in Africa.
This fish is only found in freshwater streams, lakes, and ponds in coastal Southwestern Australia.
One of the few birds who sing at night.
A tiny marsupial that is only found in Australia.
A freshwater fish that lives in rivers and lakes in Southern Africa.
In winter, these bats hibernate inside rock caves or in human-built structures.
North American Black Bear
The heaviest ever recorded weighed around 900 pounds.
Northern Inuit Dog
Developed with the goal of producing a dog breed that resembles wolves.
Native to Australia who emits a powerful electric shock when touched.
There are four species of these puffbirds in Central and South America.
Wild Animals that Start with N
- Narwhal
- Numbat
- Nutria
- Nene
- Nightingale
- Nile Crocodile
- Nilgai
- Northern Goshawk
- North American Porcupine
- Northern Fur Seal
- North American River Otter
- Northern Pike
- Northern Bobwhite
- Northern Cardinal
- North American Beaver
- Northern Harrier
- Northern Flying Squirrel
- Northern Elephant Seal
- Northern Water Snake
- North American Black Bear
- North Pacific Giant Octopus
- Namaqua Chameleon
- Nubian Ibex
- Numbfish
- Narrow-Headed Softshell Turtle
- Newt
- Nectar Bat
- Nutcracker
- Night Monkey
- Nyala
Domestic Animals Beginning with N
- Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
- Newfoundland dog
- Nguni cattle
- Namaqua Dove
Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with N
- Nautilus
- Narwhal
- Nematode
- Nembrotha
- Nemo
- Neon Goby
- Nerita
- Nerite
- Netted Dog Whelk
- New Zealand Fur Seal
- Nicobar Pigeon
- Noodlefish
- North Atlantic Right Whale
- Northern Elephant Seal
- Northern Fur Seal
- Northern Gannet
- Northern Krill
- Northern Pike
- Northern Rockhopper Penguin
- Northern Royal Albatross
- North Pacific Giant Octopus
- North Pacific Humpback Whale
- North Pacific Right Whale
- North Sea Haddock
- North Sea Herring
- North Sea Plaice
- North Sea Pouting
- North Sea Whiting
- North Sulawesi Babirusa
- Northern Saw-whet Owl
Zoo Animals that Start with N
Unfortunately, there are not many zoo animals that start with the letter “N” in English. However, here are a few:
- Numbat
- Nyala (a type of antelope)
- Nutria (also known as a coypu or river rat)
Mammals that Start with N
- Narwhal
- Numbat
- Nutria
- Naked mole-rat
- Northern fur seal
- Namaqua rock mouse
- Nilgiri langur
- Narrow-striped mongoose
- North American river otter
- Nyala
- Neotropical otter
- North American porcupine
- Nelson’s pocket mouse
- Narrow-headed vole
- Northern elephant seal
- Nicobar shrew
- Northern treeshrew
- Nicaraguan white bat
- Northern tree shrew
- Newfoundland marten
- Natal long-fingered bat
- Natterer’s bat
- Namaqua dune mole rat
- New Zealand fur seal
- New Zealand sea lion
- Northern brown bandicoot
- Northern bettong
- North American beaver
- Nubian ibex
Insects that Start with N
- Nabokovia
- Nabis
- Nacoleia
- Nadata gibbosa
- Nadata punctata
- Nadata sulcata
- Nadata trinotata
- Naevoides
- Naevoides subimpressus
- Naevuscula
- Naga
- Nagaiella
- Nagpuria
- Nahida
- Naja
- Najasoma
- Nalassus
- Nalepaella
- Namadytes
- Namangana
- Namangana ambigua
- Namangana semilimbata
- Namangana tenuipes
- Nannotrigona
- Nanodinodes
- Nanodinodes monticola
- Nanodinodes ruficollis
- Nanosella
- Nanosella fungi
- Nanosella longipalpis
- Nanosella ovalis
- Nanosella tuberculata
- Nanosella zanoniae
- Naphodius
- Naphodius maculatus
- Naphtha
- Narthecius
- Nasamonobia
- Nasamonobia waldenbergeri
- Nasutitermes
- Natafa
- Natalidomus
- Natalidomus pupinensis
- Natalimyzidae
- Natalimyzus
- Natalimyzus evonymellus
- Natalimyzus nordmannianae
- Natalimyzus rubicundus
- Natarsia
- Natrix
- Nattia
- Nausibius
- Navisiana
- Necrobia
- Necrobia rufipes
- Necrodes
- Necrodes littoralis
- Necrodes surinamensis
- Necrodes vespilloides
- Necrodesma
- Necrodesma pinicola
- Necrodesma rufipes
- Necrophilus
- Necrophorus
- Necrophorus americanus
- Necrophorus californicus
- Necrophorus capensis
- Necrophorus castaneus
- Necrophorus cornutus
Birds that Start with N
- Northern Cardinal
- Northern Flicker
- Northern Gannet
- Northern Harrier
- Northern Mockingbird
- Northern Parula
- Northern Pintail
- Northern Pygmy Owl
- Northern Saw-whet Owl
- Northern Shoveler
- Northern Wheatear
- Nutcracker
- Nuthatch
- Nightjar
Reptiles that Start with N
- Naja naja (Indian Cobra)
- Naja nigricollis (Black-necked Spitting Cobra)
- Natrix maura (Viperine Snake)
- Nerodia erythrogaster (Plain-bellied Watersnake)
- Nerodia fasciata (Banded Watersnake)
- Notophthalmus viridescens (Eastern Newt)
Final Thoughts:
We hope you enjoyed learning about all these amazing animals that start with N! From the Nutria to the Narwhal, each animal has something special and unique. By exploring animals from different parts of the world, we get to understand and appreciate the incredible diversity of life on our planet.
So, whether it’s a bird like the Northern Cardinal or a sea creature like the Nautilus, there are so many cool animals to discover. Keep exploring and learning about the wonderful world of animals!
Happy Exploring!