Animals That Start with M

Join us in having a look at some of the animals that start with M! From our backyards to the other side of the globe, these animals are a fascinating mix. So sit back, relax, and learn more about animals that start with M.

Animals That Start With M

  1. Maremma Sheepdog
  2. Muskox
  3. Moorhen
  4. Marsh Frog
  5. Monte Iberia Eleuth
  6. Maltese Shih Tzu
  7. Musk Deer
  8. Mule
  9. Mandarin Rat Snake
  10. Marine Iguana
  11. Magnolia Warbler
  12. Mozambique Spitting Cobra
  13. Massasauga
  14. Muskrat
  15. Moscow Watchdog
  16. MacGillivray’s Warbler
  17. Mourning Warbler
  18. Mussurana Snake
  19. Malayan Civet
  20. Marmoset
  21. Mexican Eagle (Northern crested caracara)
  22. Miniature Husky
  23. Maltipoo
  24. Maned Wolf
  25. Midget Faded Rattlesnake
  26. Marine Toad
  27. Mouse-Deer (Chevrotain)
  28. Monitor Lizard
  29. Mayfly
  30. Madora Moth
  31. Moccasin Snake
  32. Mason Bee
  33. Masiakasaurus
  34. Moth
  35. Morkie
  36. Mamushi Snake
  37. Microraptor
  38. Mangrove Snapper
  39. Megalochelys
  40. Merganser
  41. Madagascar Jacana
  42. Myna Bird
  43. Mole Crab (Sand Flea)
  44. Mole Snake
  45. Mastiff Mix
  46. Megatherium
  47. Moray Eel
  48. Mongoose
  49. Mongrel
  50. Mountain Cur
  51. May Beetle
  52. Mud Snake
  53. Mantella Frog
  54. Mudpuppy
  55. Miniature Pinscher
  56. Monkey
  57. Molly
  58. Mastador
  59. Monkfish
  60. Macrauchenia
  61. Masked Angelfish
  62. Malayan Krait
  63. Mauzer
  64. Mullet Fish
  65. Mule Deer
  66. Macaque
  67. Miniature Bull Terrier
  68. Macaw
  69. Mexican Black Kingsnake
  70. Moon Jellyfish
  71. Malayan Tiger
  72. Mountain Lion
  73. Monocled Cobra
  74. Mayan Cichlid
  75. Mexican Alligator Lizard
  76. Mojave Ball Python
  77. Modern Game Chicken
  78. Maiasaura
  79. Mexican Mole Lizard
  80. Madagascar Tree Boa
  81. Magpie
  82. Mini Labradoodle
  83. Marsican Brown Bear
  84. Mangrove Snake
  85. Magellanic Penguin
  86. Maggot
  87. Marble Fox
  88. Macaroni Penguin
  89. Muscovy Duck
  90. Milk Snake
  91. Muttaburrasaurus
  92. Mockingbird
  93. Mudi
  94. Mamba
  95. Mosquito
  96. Magyarosaurus
  97. Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
  98. Mealworm Beetle
  99. Mosasaurus
  100. Manchester Terrier
  101. Mealybug
  102. Mole Cricket
  103. Megalania
  104. Mallard
  105. Man of War Jellyfish
  106. Mexican Fireleg Tarantula
  107. Meerkat
  108. Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish)
  109. Monarch Butterfly
  110. Mojarra
  111. Mountain Beaver
  112. Mink
  113. Margay
  114. Mouse
  115. Masked Palm Civet
  116. Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish)
  117. Mastiff
  118. Malteagle
  119. Malchi
  120. Mulga Snake
  121. Megamouth Shark
  122. Meagle
  123. Mountain Feist
  124. Millipede
  125. Megalodon
  126. Moonglow Boa
  127. Mouse Spider
  128. Maltipom
  129. Mekong Giant Catfish
  130. Moose
  131. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
  132. Manatee
  133. Mourning Dove
  134. Mississippi Kite
  135. Maltese
  136. Marabou Stork
  137. Maine Coon
  138. Marmot
  139. Mini Lop
  140. Miki
  141. Minke Whale
  142. Mountain Gorilla
  143. Mole
  144. Mal Shi
  145. Mojave Rattlesnake
  146. Markhor
  147. Mackenzie Valley Wolf
  148. Muntjac
  149. Mountain Bluebird
  150. Meganeura
  151. Machaeroides
  152. Manta Ray
  153. Meiolania
  154. Mollusk
  155. Mandrill
  156. Milkfish
  157. Muttaburrasaurus

Extinct Animals Starting With M

  1. Macaw (Blue parrot)
  2. Madeiran scops owl
  3. Magdalena tinamou
  4. Mamo (Drepanis pacifica)
  5. Mangarahara cichlid
  6. Mariana crow
  7. Mariana mallard
  8. Martinique parrot
  9. Mascarene coot
  10. Mascarene grey parakeet
  11. Mascarene parrot
  12. Mascarene white-eye
  13. Maui nukupu’u
  14. Maui parrotbill
  15. Megaloceros
  16. Mexican dace
  17. Mexican grizzly bear
  18. Moa
  19. Moloka’i creeper
  20. Mysterious starling

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Wild Animals that Start with M

  1. Macaw
  2. Magpie
  3. Mako Shark
  4. Mandrill
  5. Manatee
  6. Manta Ray
  7. Margay
  8. Markhor
  9. Marlin
  10. Marmot
  11. Martin
  12. Mastiff Bat
  13. Meadowlark
  14. Meerkat
  15. Mink
  16. Minke Whale
  17. Mole
  18. Monitor Lizard
  19. Moose
  20. Moray Eel
  21. Mountain Lion
  22. Mouse
  23. Mule Deer
  24. Musk Ox
  25. Muskellunge
  26. Muskrat
  27. Mustelid
  28. Mynah Bird

Domestic Animals Beginning with M

  1. Maine Coon (cat breed)
  2. Maltese (dog breed)
  3. Manx (cat breed)
  4. Mare (female horse)
  5. Mastiff (dog breed)
  6. Miniature Horse
  7. Miniature Pinscher (dog breed)
  8. Miniature Schnauzer (dog breed)
  9. Mink (kept for fur farming)
  10. Mule (hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse)
  11. Muscovy Duck
  12. Muskrat (kept for fur farming)
  13. Myotonic Goat (also known as fainting goat)

Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with M

  1. Mackerel
  2. Mahi-mahi
  3. Manatee
  4. Mandarin Fish
  5. Manta Ray
  6. Marlin
  7. Megalodon
  8. Menhaden
  9. Mermaid
  10. Minke Whale
  11. Moray Eel
  12. Mullet
  13. Mussel
  14. Mudskipper
  15. Mud Crab
  16. Mud Eel
  17. Mud Turtle
  18. Mud Whelk
  19. Mudpuppy
  20. Mussels
  21. Mysticeti (baleen whales)
  22. Mysis Shrimp

Zoo Animals that Start with M

  1. Macaw
  2. Mandrill
  3. Manatee
  4. Meerkat
  5. Mongoose
  6. Monkeys (various species)
  7. Moose
  8. Mountain Lion
  9. Mountain Sheep
  10. Musk Ox
  11. Marmoset
  12. Mule Deer
  13. Magellanic Penguin
  14. Malayan Tapir
  15. Marabou Stork
  16. Markhor
  17. Masked Palm Civet
  18. Matschie’s Tree Kangaroo
  19. Mexican Gray Wolf
  20. Milksnake
  21. Mountain Gorilla
  22. Mountain Zebra
  23. Mudskipper
  24. Muskellunge

Mammals that Start with M

  1. Macaque
  2. Mackerel Shark
  3. Marmot
  4. Marten
  5. Mastiff
  6. Meerkat
  7. Mink
  8. Mole
  9. Mongoose
  10. Monkey
  11. Moose
  12. Mountain Goat
  13. Mountain Lion
  14. Mouse
  15. Musk Deer
  16. Musk Ox
  17. Muskrat
  18. Myotis Bat
  19. Manatee
  20. Mandrill
  21. Megabat
  22. Minke Whale
  23. Mediterranean Monk Seal
  24. Mexican Long-tongued Bat
  25. Malayan Tapir
  26. Mountain Zebra
  27. Mountain Gorilla
  28. Markhor
  29. Masked Palm Civet
  30. Matschie’s Tree Kangaroo
  31. Mexican Gray Wolf
  32. Milksnake
  33. Mole-rat
  34. Montane Vole
  35. Marbled Polecat

Insects that Start with M

  1. Maggot
  2. Mayfly
  3. Mealworm
  4. Midge
  5. Milkweed Bug
  6. Monarch Butterfly
  7. Mosquito
  8. Mole Cricket
  9. Mosquito Hawk
  10. Madagascan Sunset Moth
  11. Mexican Red-kneed Tarantula
  12. Metallic Green Bee
  13. Megachile Bee
  14. Melittobia Wasp
  15. Melyridae Beetle
  16. Metalmark Moth
  17. Migratory Locust
  18. Mimic Wasp
  19. Mole Cricket
  20. Monarch Butterfly
  21. Mormon Cricket
  22. Mosquito
  23. Mourning Cloak Butterfly
  24. Mud Dauber Wasp
  25. Mud-loving Wasp

Birds that Start with M

  1. Macaw
  2. Magpie
  3. Mallard
  4. Mandarin Duck
  5. Merganser
  6. Mockingbird
  7. Montezuma Quail
  8. Moorhen
  9. Myna
  10. Magnificent Frigatebird
  11. Magellanic Penguin
  12. Malachite Kingfisher
  13. Marsh Harrier
  14. Marbled Murrelet
  15. Marbled Godwit
  16. Masked Booby
  17. Masked Lapwing
  18. McKay’s Bunting
  19. Meadowlark
  20. Merlin
  21. Micronesian Myzomela
  22. Mississippi Kite
  23. Moluccan King Parrot
  24. Monk Parakeet
  25. Montane Woodcreeper
  26. Mountain Bluebird
  27. Mountain Chickadee
  28. Mountain Quail
  29. Mountain Plover
  30. Mourning Dove
  31. Muscovy Duck
  32. Myiarchus Flycatcher
  33. Myrtle Warble

Reptiles that Start with M

  1. Mamba
  2. Mangrove Snake
  3. Marine Iguana
  4. Matamata Turtle
  5. Milk Snake
  6. Milksnake
  7. Mole Snake
  8. Monitor Lizard
  9. Montpellier Snake
  10. Moroccan Uromastyx
  11. Mud Turtle
  12. Mud Snake
  13. Mudskipper
  14. Muhlenberg’s Turtle
  15. Myna Snake
  16. Madagascan Ground Gecko
  17. Madagascar Day Gecko
  18. Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
  19. Malayan Water Monitor
  20. Mexican Beaded Lizard
  21. Midget Faded Rattlesnake
  22. Mojave Rattlesnake
  23. Moroccan Spiny-tailed Lizard
  24. Mountain Skink
  25. Mediterranean House Gecko
  26. Mexican Alligator Lizard
  27. Mossy Leaf-tailed Gecko
  28. Mountain Horned Dragon
  29. Malagasy Leaf-nosed Snake
  30. Mexican Lance-headed Rattlesnake
  31. Mexican Mole Lizard

Animals Starting with the Letter “M” for Kindergarten

  • Mouse
  • Monkey
  • Moose
  • Mole
  • Manatee
  • Meerkat
  • Magpie
  • Mosquito
  • Mountain Goat
  • Mountain Lion
  • Monarch Butterfly
  • Macaw
  • Milk Snake
  • Mantis
  • Minnow
  • Mule Deer
  • Mockingbird
  • Moray Eel

Frequently Asked Questions on M Animals

What are some animals that start with M?

Some common animals that start with M are mouse, monkey, moose, mole, meerkat, mosquito, macaw, mantis, mouflon, mule deer, magpie, minx, macaque, mongoose and mandrill.

What are animals that start with M in Africa?

There is an abundance of animals in Africa that begin with the letter M. This includes mongoose, meerkats, and monkeys, spotted hyenas, mandrill, giraffes and zebra (mammals). A number of birds also have names starting with M, including the marabou stork and the great white pelican. Finally, many reptiles beginning with M can be found in Africa such as monitor lizards and Nile crocodiles.

What are sea mammals that start with an M?

Some of the sea mammals that start with an M are the manatee, the melon-headed whale, the marine otter, the milk shark, the monk seal, the moray eel, and the mola (ocean Sunfish).

Final Thoughts:

We’ve taken a fascinating journey through the animal kingdom to discover animals that start with M. From our backyards to distant lands, each of these creatures brings something unique to the world. We learned about the loyal Maremma Sheepdog, the mighty Muskox, the mysterious Monte Iberia Eleuth, and many more.

Whether they are small like the Masiakasaurus or large like the Minke Whale, these animals show the amazing diversity of life on our planet.


Remember, every animal plays a vital role in its ecosystem. So next time you see an animal that starts with M, take a moment to appreciate it. There’s always more to learn and discover about these incredible creatures. Thanks for joining us on this adventure, and keep exploring the wonderful world of animals!


Happy Exploring!


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