Animals that Starts With C

Welcome to our article about animals that starts with C! If you’re looking to expand your English vocabulary, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be exploring a variety of animals that starts with C, from the well-known to the more obscure. 

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of the diversity of animal life and be able to impress your friends with your newfound knowledge.

So, let’s dive in and explore the world of animals that starts with C!


Animals that Starts With C 

Here’s a list of 50 common animals that start with the letter C:

  1. Caiman
  2. Camel
  3. Canary
  4. Capybara
  5. Cardinal (bird)
  6. Caribou
  7. Carp (fish)
  8. Cat
  9. Cheetah
  10. Chicken
  11. Chimpanzee
  12. Chinchilla
  13. Chipmunk
  14. Chough (bird)
  15. Clownfish
  16. Cobra
  17. Cockatoo
  18. Cockroach
  19. Cod (fish)
  20. Coelacanth (fish)
  21. Collie (dog breed)
  22. Colobus Monkey
  23. Condor
  24. Coral
  25. Cormorant (bird)
  26. Cougar
  27. Cow
  28. Crab
  29. Crane (bird)
  30. Crawfish
  31. Cricket (insect)
  32. Crocodile
  33. Crow
  34. Cuckoo (bird)
  35. Cuscus
  36. Cuttlefish
  37. Coyote
  38. Crab-eating Macaque
  39. Common Octopus
  40. Common Toad
  41. Cottonmouth (snake)
  42. Caracal
  43. Common Dolphin
  44. Collared Peccary
  45. Clouded Leopard
  46. California Condor
  47. Common Loon
  48. Canadian Goose
  49. Coral Snake
  50. Coatimundi

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Alphabetical List of Animal that Starts with C

  1. Caiman
  2. Caiman Lizard
  3. Cairn Terrier
  4. Camel
  5. Camel Cricket
  6. Camel Spider
  7. Canaan Dog
  8. Canada Lynx
  9. Canadian Eskimo Dog
  10. Canadian Horse
  11. Cane
  12. Capybara
  13. Caracal
  14. Carolina Dog
  15. Carolina Parakeet
  16. Carp
  17. Carpenter Ant
  18. Cashmere Goat
  19. Cassowary
  20. Cat
  21. Caterpillar
  22. Catfish
  23. Cavador
  24. Centipede
  25. Cesky Fousek
  26. Chameleon
  27. Chamois
  28. Cheagle
  29. Cheetah
  30. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  31. Chickadee
  32. Chicken
  33. Chihuahua
  34. Chimaera
  35. Chimpanzee
  36. Chinchilla
  37. Chinese Crested Dog
  38. Chinese Paddlefish
  39. Chinese Shar-Pei
  40. Chinook
  41. Chinstrap Penguin
  42. Chipmunk
  43. Chipoo
  44. Chorkie
  45. Chow Chow
  46. Chow Shepherd
  47. Cicada
  48. Chichlid
  49. Clouded Leopard
  50. Clownfish
  51. Clumber Spaniel
  52. Coati
  53. Cockatoo
  54. Cockroach
  55. Coelacanth
  56. Collared Peccary
  57. Colossal Squid
  58. Common Buzzard
  59. Common Frog
  60. Common Loon
  61. Common Raven
  62. Common Toad
  63. Cookiecutter Shark
  64. Cooper’s Hawk
  65. Corgipoo
  66. Corkie
  67. Corman Shepherd
  68. Cotton-top Tamarin
  69. Cougar
  70. Cow
  71. Coyote
  72. Crab
  73. Crab Spider
  74. Crane
  75. Crappie Fish
  76. Crested Penguin
  77. Crocodile
  78. Cross River Gorilla
  79. Curly Coated Retriever
  80. Cuscus
  81. Cuttlefish

Fascinating Facts Of The Animals On The List


Caimans are small members of the crocodile family that live in South and Central America. This reptile is divided into six species. They are carnivorous, aquatic predators who hunt small animals, birds, other reptiles, and insects, in addition to eating a lot of fish.

Caiman Lizard

Caiman lizards are giant semiaquatic reptiles native to South America. These lizards, often known as water tegus, adore water and are excellent swimmers.

Cairn Terrier

They are brave and alert creatures who enjoy exploring and scavenging. The Cairn Terrier is a challenging and clever companion as well as a playful comrade.


Camels are large creatures with long legs, a large snout, and a humped back. They have a third, transparent eyelid that protects their eyes from sand blowing in from the outside. During sand storms, they can close their nostrils.

Camel Cricket

They get their name from their distinctively formed bodies, which many people compare to a camel’s hump. These non-chirping crickets like warm, damp conditions such as those found in greenhouses, but they may end up in your home.

Camel Spider

The camel spider is found in dry climates such as deserts and scrublands. This carnivore feeds on rodents, small birds, insects, and lizards. This creature’s bite is extremely painful to humans. They can go at speeds of up to ten miles per hour.

Canaan Dog

With pointy ears and a somewhat curling tail, the Canaan dog is a bright and attentive friend that prefers not to mingle with strangers. This breed is fiercely loyal and vociferously outspoken. This breed is Israel’s national dog and one of the AKC’s oldest breeds.

Canada Lynx

The Canadian lynx possesses an unusually formed paw that works as a snowshoe, walking quickly through the snow. Their ears’ unique hair may function as hearing aids. The Canada lynx is an excellent climber. The Canada lynx is a lonely and silent animal.

Canadian Eskimo Dog

In the modern-day, the breed is on the verge of extinction. These dogs are excellent with older children because they dislike being harassed by a busy and noisy household. When left alone, these dogs do not exhibit aggressive behaviour.

Canadian Horse

The Canadian horse was valued for its versatility since it could pull a wagon, conduct farm work, and be ridden. The majority of horses in Canada are black. Other hues available include brown bays and sorrels.


The Cane appears to be a vast and frightening breed at first impression. Intelligent, attentive, and courageous, this species can make an excellent companion for people with previous experience with such a large and independent breed.


Capybaras are enormous South American creatures that look like massive guinea pigs. These water-loving creatures are the world’s most giant rodents.


Caracals can be found all across the world, including Africa, the Middle East, and India. The black, tufted ears of a caracal distinguish it from other wild cats. The speed and ability to leap into the air of a caracal make it a superb hunter.

Carolina Dog

The Carolina Dog is not only a good guard dog, but it is also powerful, calm, brave, and resourceful. Because it has lived in the wilderness for many years, it can adapt to any lifestyle or climatic situation.

Carolina Parakeet

It is an extinct species that used to be quite common in the 18th century. These were small green neotropical parrots with a bright yellow head, reddish-orange face and pale beak native to the eastern, Midwest and plains states of the United States.


Chickadees are a tiny group of birds native to North America. These birds are another group whose names are derived from one of its vocalizations, which sounds like “chicka – dee.”


The chimp belongs to the Hominidae family, popularly known as the “big apes.” This species has a body form that is similar to that of humans. Their arms, however, are longer, and they do not grow as tall.


Final Thought:




As we wrap up our exploration of animals starts With  C, let’s take a moment to appreciate the diversity and beauty of our natural world. From the majestic Camel to the quirky Chinchilla, every species plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems around the globe.


Whether you’re a curious student, a nature lover, or simply someone who enjoys learning about animals, we hope this list has sparked your interest and inspired you to continue exploring the wonders of nature. 

So next time you encounter a Chicken in your backyard or a Crab on the beach, take a moment to marvel at the incredible variety of life on Earth.


Thank you for joining us on this adventure, and remember, there’s always more to discover in the world of animals that starts With C!

Happy Learning!


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