Nouns That Start With B

Here is the list of nouns that start with B. You can study the most often used English nouns to improve your language skills. It is a significant speech unit in the English language.

You can increase your vocabulary when writing or playing word games like Scrabble by using Nouns Start with B. Many nouns beginning with B are used in ordinary talks in the routine of life.


List of Nouns That Starts with B

  • Babe

  • Bad

  • Bachelor

  • Babel

  • Badge

  • Bailiff

  • Baby

  • Badinage

  • Bait

  • Babyhood

  • Badmen

  • Baker

  • Bailee

  • Badminton

  • Bakery

  • Back

  • Bag

  • Balance

  • Backbend

  • Baggage

  • Balcony

  • Backbone

  • Bagpipe

  • Bale

  • Backdrop

  • Bail

  • Ball

  • Backer

  • Ballad

  • Bandage

  • Background

  • Ballast

  • Bandit

  • Backlash

  • Ballerina

  • Bandstand

  • Backlog

  • Ballet

  • Bandwagon

  • Backpack

  • Balletomane

  • Bandwidth

  • Backside

  • Balloon

  • Bang

  • Backstitch

  • Ballot

  • Banishment

  • Backup

  • Ballplayer

  • Banister

  • Backyard

  • Ballroom

  • Banjo

  • Bacon

  • Balls

  • Bank

  • Bacteria

  • Ballyhoo

  • Banker

  • Baptism

  • Ballyhooey

  • Bankruptcy

  • Baptistery

  • Balm

  • Banner

  • Bar

  • Balustrade

  • Banns

  • Barb

  • Ban

  • Banquet

  • Barbarian

  • Banana

  • Banshee

  • Barbecue

  • Band

  • Banter

  • Barbell

  • Barn

  • Barricade

  • Barber

  • Barnsful

  • Barrier

  • Barbital

  • Barnstormer

  • Bartender

  • Barbiturate

  • Barnyard

  • Base

  • Bard

  • Baron

  • Baseball

  • Bargain

  • Barony

  • Baseballight

  • Barge

  • Baroreceptor

  • Baseline

  • Baritone

  • Barrack

  • Baseman

  • Barium

  • Barrage

  • Basement

  • Bark

  • Barrel

  • Basin

  • Barkeep

  • Barn

  • Basis

  • Barley

  • Bassinet

  • Basket

  • Bat

  • Bastard

  • Basketball

  • Batch

  • Bach

  • Bateau

  • Bay

  • Bearer

  • Bath

  • Baylee

  • Beast

  • Bathrobe

  • Bayly

  • Bazaar

  • Beatitude

  • Baton

  • Beach

  • Beatnik

  • Battalion

  • Beachhead

  • Beau

  • Batten

  • Beacon

  • Beauty

  • Batter

  • Bead

  • Beaver

  • Batterie

  • Beadle

  • Beavertail

  • Battery

  • Beadsman

  • Bebop

  • Battle

  • Beaker

  • Beckon

  • Battlefield

  • Beam

  • Bed

  • Battlefront

  • Battleground

  • Bear

  • Bellicosity

  • Bauble

  • Beefsteak

  • Belligerence

  • Bedazzlement

  • Beehive

  • Bellow

  • Bedground

  • Beep

  • Belly

  • Bedlam

  • Beer

  • Bellyful

  • Bedpost

  • Begetter

  • Belt

  • Bedroom

  • Beggar

  • Bench

  • Bedside

  • Beggary

  • Beriberi

  • Bedspread

  • Beginner

  • Berry

  • Bedstraw

  • Behalf

  • Berth

  • Bedtime

  • Behavior

  • Beryllium

  • Bee

  • Behavior

  • Best

  • Beebread

  • Behind

  • Bestowal

  • Beech

  • Belch

  • Bestower

  • Beef Belfry

  • Bestseller

  • Benchmark

  • Belief

  • Betrayal

  • Bend

  • Believer

  • Betrayer

  • Benediction

  • Bell

  • Betrothal

  • Benefaction

  • Benefit

  • Better

  • Benefactor

  • Benevolence

  • Betterment

  • Benefactress

  • Bent

  • Beverage

  • Beneficence

  • Benzene

  • Bevy

  • Beneficiary

  • Bequest

  • Bewilderment

  • Bias

  • Bereavement

  • Bewitchment

  • Bib

  • Birth

  • Blind

  • Bibliography

  • Birth control

  • Blink

  • Bicarbonate

  • Birthday

  • Bliss

  • Bicep

  • Birthplace

  • Blister

  • Bich

  • Birthright

  • Blitheness

  • Bicycle

  • Biscuit

  • Blitz

  • Bid

  • Bishop

  • Blizzard

  • Bidder

  • Bishopry

  • Bloat

  • Biennial

  • Bison

  • Blob

  • Biennium

  • Bisque

  • Block

  • Bigot

  • Bit

  • Bigotry

  • Bitch

  • Blockade

  • Bigwig

  • Bite

  • Blockhouse

  • Bijou

  • Biter

  • Blog

  • Bike

  • Bivouac

  • Bloke

  • Bile

  • Biz

  • Blonde

  • Bilge

  • Black

  • Blood

  • Bill

  • Blackberry

  • Bloodlust

  • Billboard

  • Blackboard

  • Bloodroot

  • Billet

  • Blackjack

  • Bloodshed

  • Billiard

  • Blackmail

  • Bloodstream

  • Billion

  • Blackmailer

  • Bloom

  • Bin

  • Blackout

  • Blossom

  • Bind

  • Blacksmith

  • Blot

  • Binder

  • Blade

  • Blouse

  • Bindle

  • Blame

  • Blow

  • Binge

  • Blank

  • Blower

  • Biographer

  • Blanket

  • Blowfish

  • Biography

  • Blasphemy

  • Blowup

  • Biologist

  • Blast

  • Blubber

  • Biology

  • Blast down

  • Bludgeon

  • Biophysicist

  • Blatancy

  • Blue

  • Biopsy

  • Blaze

  • Blueberry

  • Biplane

  • Blazer

  • Bluebook

  • Birch

  • Bleat

  • Bluebush

  • Bird

  • Blemish

  • Bluefish

  • Birdbath

  • Blend

  • Blueprint

  • Birdie

  • Blight

  • Blue-Ribbon

  • Birefringence

  • Bondage

  • Bluff

  • Blur

  • Bondsman

  • Borrower

  • Bluster

  • Bone

  • Bosom

  • Boa

  • Bonfire

  • Boss

  • Boar

  • Bongo

  • Bossman

  • Board

  • Botany

  • Border

  • Bonus

  • Bottle

  • Boast

  • Booboo

  • Bottleneck

  • Boat

  • Booby

  • Bottom

  • Boatel

  • Boogie

  • Boucle

  • Boatload

  • Book

  • Bough

  • Boatman

  • Bookcase

  • Boulder

  • Boatmen

  • Booker

  • Boulevard

  • Boatsmen

  • Booklet

  • Bounce

  • Boatswain

  • Bookseller

  • Bound

  • Bobby

  • Bookshelf

  • Boundary

  • Bod

  • Boom

  • Bounty

  • Bodice

  • Boomerang

  • Bouquet

  • Body

  • Boomtown

  • Bourbon

  • Bodybuilder

  • Boon

  • Bourgeoisie

  • Bodyguard

  • Boost

  • Bout

  • Bodyweight

  • Booster

  • Boutonniere

  • Bogey

  • Boot

  • Bovine

  • Bogeymen

  • Booth

  • Bow

  • Bogy

  • Bootlegger

  • Bower

  • Boil

  • Booty

  • Bowl

  • Boiler

  • Booze

  • Box

  • Boldness

  • Bop

  • Boyhood

  • Bolo

  • Borax

  • Brace

  • Bologna

  • Border

  • Bracelet

  • Bolster

  • Borderline

  • Brag

  • Bolt

  • Bore

  • Braggadocio

  • Bomb

  • Boredom

  • Brain

  • Bombardment

  • Borer

  • Brake

  • Bomber

  • Borough

  • Bran

  • Bonanza

  • Boxcar

  • Branch

  • Bond

  • Boxer

  • Brand

  • Brachii

  • Boy

  • Brandy

  • Bracket

  • Boycott

  • Brass

  • Brave

  • Bravado

  • Brassiere

  • Bravery

  • Brief

  • Bruise

  • Bravura

  • Briefcase

  • Brunt

  • Brawl

  • Brig

  • Brush

  • Brawler

  • Brigade

  • Brushcut

  • Brawn

  • Brigadier

  • Brushfire

  • Brazier

  • Brightness

  • Brushwork

  • Brazil

  • Brilliance

  • Brutality

  • Breach

  • Brilliant

  • Brute

  • Bread

  • Brim

  • Bubble

  • Breadth

  • Brindle

  • Bubbly

  • Break

  • Brink

  • Buck

  • Breakage

  • Brinkmanship

  • Buckboard

  • Breakaway

  • Brio

  • Bucket

  • Breakdown

  • Bristle

  • Buckle

  • Breaker

  • Broadcast

  • Buckshot

  • Breakfast

  • Broadside

  • Buckskin

  • Breakoff

  • Brocade

  • Buckwheat

  • Breakthrough

  • Broccoli

  • Bud

  • Breakup

  • Brochure

  • Buddy

  • Breakwater

  • Brockle

  • Budget

  • Breast

  • Broil

  • Buff

  • Breath

  • Broiler

  • Buffalo

  • Breather

  • Broker

  • Buffer

  • Breed

  • Brokerage

  • Buffet

  • Breeze

  • Bromophenol

  • Buffoon

  • Brethren

  • Bronc

  • Bug

  • Brevity

  • Bronchi

  • Buggy

  • Brew

  • Bronchiole

  • Bugle

  • Brewery

  • Bronze

  • Bugler

  • Brick

  • Brood Build

  • Bridal

  • Brook

  • Builder

  • Bride

  • Broom

  • Buildup

  • Bridegroom

  • Broth

  • Built

  • Bridesmaid

  • Brothel

  • Bulwark

  • Bridge

  • Brother

  • Bum

  • Bridgehead

  • Brotherhood

  • Bumblebee

  • Bridgework

  • Brow

  • Bump

  • Brief

  • Built

  • Bullet

  • Backbone

  • Bulb

  • Bulletin

  • Bunch

  • Bulge

  • Bullhide

  • Buncha

  • Bulk

  • Bullshit

  • Bundle

  • Bulkhead

  • Bully

  • Bungalow

  • Bunt

  • Bureaucrat

  • Bunk

  • Bunter

  • Bureaucratization

  • Bunker

  • Buoy

  • Burgeon

  • Bunkmate

  • Buoyancy

  • Burglar

  • Burl

  • Burden

  • Burglary

  • Burlesque

  • Bureau

  • Burial

  • Burley

  • Burr

  • Busboy

  • Burn

  • Burrow

  • Bush

  • Burnish

  • Burst

  • Bushel

  • Butter

  • Butane

  • Businessman

  • Butterfat

  • Butcher

  • Businessmen

  • Butterfly

  • Butchery

  • Buss

  • Butternut

  • Butler

  • Bust

  • Button

  • Butt

  • Bustle
    Negative Words That Start With V

Common Nouns That Start with B

  • Ball – The kids played with a colorful ball in the park.

  • Book – She enjoyed reading a good book by the fireplace.

  • Bird – The robin bird chirped happily in the tree.

  • Building – The skyscraper towered over the city streets.

  • Bottle – She filled a bottle with cold water from the fridge.

  • Bed – After a long day, he sank into his comfortable bed.

  • Baby – The baby giggled and clapped his hands.

  • Bridge – The old stone bridge spanned the river.

  • Bag – She carried her laptop in a stylish bag.

  • Box – He opened the box and found a surprise gift inside.

  • Bank – She deposited her paycheck at the bank.

  • Bus – They caught the bus to go downtown.

  • Butterfly – In the yard, the vibrant butterfly fluttered with ease.

  • Bread – He made a delicious sandwich using fresh bread

  • Boat – They sailed the boat across the calm lake..

List of Abstract Nouns That Start with B

  • Beauty – The beauty of the sunset took her breath away.

  • Bravery – His bravery in the face of danger inspired others.

  • Belief – Their shared belief in equality united them.

  • Balance – There are must be a balance between studies and work.

  • Betrayal – The act of betrayal left him feeling hurt and betrayed.

  • Boredom – The long lecture filled her with a sense of boredom.

  • Breakthrough – The scientific breakthrough revolutionized the field.

  • Bond – The strong bond between the siblings was unbreakable.

  • Bounty – The land was rich in bounty, providing abundant resources.

  • Blissfulness – Their honeymoon’s happiness brought them great joy.

  • Business – The world of business can be challenging and competitive.

Positive Nouns That Start with B

  • Blessing – A healthy baby is a real blessing for parents.

  • Bravery – His bravery in rescuing the hiker was commendable.

  • Brightness – The brightness of her smile lit up the room.

  • Belief – Their belief in themselves helped them achieve their goals.

  • Benefit – Regular exercise provides numerous benefits for health.

  • Belonging – Being part of a supportive community gave her a sense of belonging.

  • Bond – The strong bond between friends lasts a lifetime.

  • Bestowal – The bestowal of the award recognized her achievements.

  • Breakthrough – The scientific breakthrough opened up new possibilities.

  • Boldness – Their boldness in pursuing their dreams inspired others.

  • Blissfulness – The blissfulness of their vacation brought them joy and relaxation.

  • Boost – The encouraging words gave him a boost of confidence.

Final Thoughts:


Not to add, learning about nouns that start with B can be a fun way to expand your vocabulary in English. These expressions stand for a broad range of things, locations, and ideas that we encounter on a regular basis.. Learning these nouns makes writing and word games easier, as well as talking easier.

In addition, expanding your vocabulary in English can be enjoyable when you learn about nouns that begin with B. Many objects, places, and concepts that we frequently come across are represented by these terms.. Learning these nouns makes writing and word games easier, as well as talking easier.

Thus, while you keep adding words to your vocabulary, keep in mind that words can convey thoughts, feelings, and concepts. Acknowledge the elegance of language, savor the insights you acquire, and allow your writing to paint a clear and realistic image of the world you inhabit.

Happy learning!


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