Your Complete Guide to The John Locke Essay Competition 2024

Welcome to the gateway of intellectual exploration – the John Locke Essay Competition, set to open the minds of students worldwide in 2024 and beyond. This prestigious competition is not just an essay contest; it’s an opportunity for students to go beyond the confines of their school curriculum. It lets them explore the questions spanning philosophy, politics, economics, history, psychology, theology, and law.

Let’s discuss this competition, its guidelines, deadlines, and various other aspects.

Intellectual Growth: The Charm of the John Locke Institute

At the core of the John Locke Institute’s mission is the development of qualities that transform students into exceptional writers. Imagine a space where independent thinking, deep knowledge, clear reasoning, critical analysis, and persuasive communication are not just encouraged – they are celebrated. 

The institute provides a platform for students to have their work evaluated by esteemed academics from institutions like Oxford and Princeton, making it an extraordinary intellectual journey.

Diverse Categories, Provocative Questions in John Locke Essay Competition 2024

Philosophy: Probing the Fundamentals

Let’s think about some fundamental questions in philosophy. How many genders are there? Can we call it tax theft? These are not just questions; they’re invitations for students to share their unique thoughts and ideas.

Politics: Exploring Complexities

Now, politics might seem complicated, but the questions here are meant to make you think. Do election results truly express the will of the people? What happens if China becomes the leading superpower? It’s about understanding and expressing your thoughts on these complex political matters.

Economics: Beyond Traditional Boundaries

Economics doesn’t have to be boring! Imagine a government funding itself without taxing people – what would be the advantages or disadvantages? Or consider the idea of banning billionaires – what could happen? These questions encourage students to explore economic scenarios beyond the usual textbook topics.

History: Interpreting the Past

History is not just about memorizing dates; it’s about understanding its impact. How did British colonialism affect the wealth of nations? Do powerful plans or mistakes have a bigger effect on history? These John Locke essay competition questions prompt students to interpret the past and think about its consequences.

Psychology: Exploring the Mind

Let’s dive into the mind. Can happiness be measured? Why do people often think they are more attractive than others? These are not just random questions; they’re a chance for students to explore the complexities of human psychology.

Theology: Contemplating the Divine

Theology might sound complex, but these questions are here to spark your curiosity. What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult? If your friends don’t share your religious beliefs, does that make your beliefs less valid? And what was God doing before creating the cosmos? Dive into the world of theology with these questions.

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Law: Examining Justice

Law isn’t just about rules; it’s about justice. Would justice be better served if more Supreme Court judges were women? What’s the difference between using AI to write an essay and ordinary attempted theft? These questions ask students to critically examine the legal system.

Junior Prize: Nurturing Young Minds

For our younger participants, these questions are like a treasure hunt for ideas. Is safety more important than fun? If you had $10 billion to make the world better, how would you spend it? These questions are meant to nurture the curiosity of our junior participants.

John Locke Essay Competition 2024 Entry Requirements and Submission Guidelines

Now, let’s talk about how you can join this exciting journey. If you’re under eighteen years old and registered by May 31, 2024, you’re eligible to submit your essay. The deadline for submissions is 11.59 pm BST on June 30, 2024.

Remember, each essay must address only one question in your chosen subject category and not exceed 2000 words. It’s crucial to follow the specified format for your file name (FirstName-LastName-Category-QuestionNumber.pdf). And guess what? Entry is entirely free!

You can submit your essay as soon as registration opens in April. But don’t wait until the last minute – submit it well in advance to avoid any complications.

Assessment and Results

You’ve submitted your essay, and now it’s time to understand how it will be assessed. The judges at the John Locke Institute use a grading system that focuses on knowledge, evidence use, argumentation quality, originality, structure, writing style, and persuasive force. Your essay is like a puzzle, and each piece matters!

Results are not just about winning; they’re about recognition. The best essays receive commendations and make it to the shortlist for a prize. Shortlisted writers are notified by July 31, 2024, and they’re in for a treat – an invitation to an academic conference and awards dinner in Oxford come September 16, 2024.

Prizes and Key Dates

Now, let’s talk about the exciting part – John Locke essay competition prizes! The best essay in each category, including the Junior category, wins a scholarship worth US$2000. Not only that but these winning essays will be published on the institute’s website – a chance to share your thoughts with the world.

If you snag the overall best essay, you’re in for an honorary John Locke Institute Junior Fellowship and a US$10,000 scholarship. The judges’ decisions are final, and the prize ceremony is in Oxford. But here’s the twist – attendance is not mandatory. You can win a prize without hopping on a plane!

What to Do and What to Avoid?

If you missed the registration John Locke essay competition deadline, unfortunately, you won’t be able to participate this year, as registration closed on May 31, 2024. 

Concerned about the word count? Fear not! Only the body of your essay is considered, not footnotes, endnotes, or references. Speaking of which, footnotes are a no-go, but you can certainly use endnotes to acknowledge your sources. Feeling particularly inspired? You can submit more than one essay – go ahead and share your thoughts across multiple categories. 

As for using AI in the John Locke essay competition, it’s a thumbs-down. Any detection of AI content leads to disqualification. Collaboration is encouraged, but when it comes to editing, the onus is on you. Lastly, attending the award ceremony in Oxford is entirely optional. 

So, even if you can’t make it, you can still secure a prize and have your outstanding work recognized.

Final Words

It is not just an academic exercise; it’s a journey of self-discovery and intellectual exploration. So, if you’ve got thoughts, ideas, and a passion for expressing them, this competition is for you.

Remember, this is not just about winning prizes; it’s about sharing your unique perspective with the world. So, gear up, grab your pens (or keyboards), and let your thoughts flow. The John Locke Institute awaits your intellectual adventure!

Continue the journey of curiosity and knowledge – seize the opportunity to be part of the John Locke Essay Competition 2024!

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