Top 15 Law Internships For High School Students

Are you a high school student with a passion for law? If so, you’re in the right place. Law internships for high school students offer a sneak peek into the legal world and provide invaluable experiences that can shape your future career.

In this article, we’ll discuss various internship opportunities, each offering unique insights into the world of law.

Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship | NYC Bar

If you’re searching for law internships for high school students in NYC, the Thurgood Marshall Summer Law Internship might be your golden ticket. This program focuses on connecting high school students with legal employers, offering practical training, panel discussions, and networking events.

The fully-funded, paid internship provides an hourly stipend and exposes you to the inner workings of law firms, corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

Passport to Work Youth Employment Services Program

For those residing in the District of Columbia, the Passport to Work Youth Employment Services Program opens doors to a paid internship designed to expose high school students to the complexities of a career in law.

Through seminars, students learn crucial skills like communication and time management. While tasks may be clerical in nature, the exposure to a legal environment allows for firsthand observation of the legislative process.

Judicial Youth Corps Program

If you’re based in Massachusetts, the Judicial Youth Corps Program offers an intensive educational spring and summer internship. This program focuses on educating student interns and exposing them to the Massachusetts court system and the rule of law.

Interns are placed as paid interns at local courthouses, gaining valuable insights through mentorship and educational sessions covering various legal topics.

National Student Leadership Conference’s Law & Advocacy Program

For a more introductory experience, consider the National Student Leadership Conference’s Law & Advocacy Program. High school students in grades 9-12 can participate in this nine-day program at Georgetown University and Yale University.

While not a traditional internship, the program provides a taste of being a lawyer through simulated criminal trials, law school visits, and interactions with legal experts.

Internship with Congresswoman Lucy McBath

Interning under government officials is another avenue to gain first-hand law experience. Congresswoman Lucy McBath offers full-time and part-time internships in Washington, D.C., during fall, spring, and summer.

Interns get an inside look into the operations of a congressional office, attending hearings, researching and drafting materials, and actively participating in the legislative process.

California Innocence Project Internships

If criminal law is your interest, get into the California Innocence Project Internships. This pro-bono service provides interns with an opportunity to work 15-35 hours per week at their San Diego office.

Interns assist with legal research, client support, and various responsibilities related to post-conviction law, contributing to the organization’s mission of aiding wrongly convicted individuals.

Ladder Internships

For a more selective experience, consider the Ladder Law Internships for High School Students 2024 program. This eight-week virtual internship allows high school students to work with startups, including legal-tech start-ups.

Beyond real-world projects, each student collaborates with a Ladder Coach, providing mentorship and guidance throughout the internship. Financial aid is available for this coaching and work-based model.

Atlanta Bar Association: Summer Law Internship Program

Regional bar associations often offer internship opportunities. The Atlanta Bar Association, for instance, has been providing internships to Atlanta-area high school students for over three decades.

This eight-week paid internship offers participants valuable work experience, a deeper understanding of the law, and the chance to build mentor relationships.

NYU High School Law Institute

If you find yourself in New York, the NYU High School Law Institute opens its doors to high school students interested in attending free law classes on Saturdays. Led by NYU Law and undergraduate students, these discussion-based classes cover topics like constitutional law and criminal law.

The institute includes a College Day and Graduation, adding a holistic touch to the learning experience.

San Francisco District Attorney’s Office High School Internship

On the West Coast, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office High School Internship provides an opportunity for high school students interested in criminal justice to gain insight into the workings of the DA’s office.

Interns assist prosecutors in various clerical tasks, gaining practical experience in organizing case files and managing pre-trial hearings and jury trials.

State Bar Association of North Dakota High School Mock Trial Program

If you’re in North Dakota, the State Bar Association offers a Mock Trial Program for high schoolers. This program introduces students to the American legal system, fostering critical thinking and reasoning skills.

Law Internships for high school students near me prepare students to compete in the National High School Mock Trial Championship, a competition that brings together students from across the United States.

National Youth Leadership Forum: Law & CSI

For those fascinated by legal and criminal science investigation careers, the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) provides a program with a focus on either path.

The Law program allows high schoolers to observe legal proceedings, participate in mock trials, and gain insights from law school professionals.

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United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of New York Student Internship

Offering a range of unpaid internships, the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of New York presents an opportunity for students from high school to graduate levels.

With placements at their Brooklyn and Central Islip offices, these internships cover various fields, from pre-law to criminal justice, providing exposure to diverse professional paths.

Baltimore City Law Links – Maryland Youth & the Law

Managed by Maryland Youth and the Law, the Baltimore City Law Links initiative offers a full-time, paid summer internship for high school sophomores and juniors in Baltimore.

Placed with law firms or law-related agencies, interns attend the Law and Leadership Institute, engaging in interactive activities, discussions with legal professionals, and field trips.

Summer Law Intern Program | Dallas Bar Association

It is a joint initiative between the Dallas Bar Association and the Dallas Independent School District. This Summer Law Intern Program offers high school juniors the chance to intern with law firms, non-profits, or corporate legal departments.

With a flexible work schedule, interns also receive a Summer Learning curriculum, educational activities, and an end-of-program reception.

Final Words

These law internships for high school students provide a gateway to the legal profession. Whether you’re exploring the courts in Massachusetts or interning with a congresswoman in D.C., each experience contributes to your understanding of the law and shapes your future path.

So, seize the opportunity, explore your interests, and pave the way for a promising legal career. The journey starts now, and these internships are your first step toward a future in the world of law.

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